Blog: boost your funding, publications, career


Research workflow with quantified expected outcomes

15 - Quantify your results in grant application...

Quantifying expected outcomes in grant applications shows reviewers your project is realistic; quantifying results in papers clarifies their relevance.

15 - Quantify your results in grant applications and papers

Quantifying expected outcomes in grant applications shows reviewers your project is realistic; quantifying results in papers clarifies their relevance.

14 - Avoid these 'sexy' words in grant applications (new, interdisciplinary...)

14 - Avoid these 'sexy' words in grant applicat...

Seemingly sexy terms are in fact dull and uninformative. For example, instead of claiming ‘novelty’, you should present your project’s added value.

14 - Avoid these 'sexy' words in grant applications (new, interdisciplinary...)

Seemingly sexy terms are in fact dull and uninformative. For example, instead of claiming ‘novelty’, you should present your project’s added value.

PhD student holding a hourglass

12 – Four simple steps to write a PhD extensio...

PhD extension grants are often written like progress reports. Instead, explain that you’ve almost built a complete chain of evidence, but are missing a crucial link that would enable publication.

12 – Four simple steps to write a PhD extension grant application

PhD extension grants are often written like progress reports. Instead, explain that you’ve almost built a complete chain of evidence, but are missing a crucial link that would enable publication.

3-stage rocket representing the 3 objectives of funding applications for high-risk schemes

11 – The 2 ‘Ds’ of objectives for high-risk fun...

For applications to high-risk funding schemes, research objectives should follow a different logical progression from traditional schemes: Objective 1 should be ‘Doable’ and at least another objective ‘Dreamable’.

11 – The 2 ‘Ds’ of objectives for high-risk funding schemes

For applications to high-risk funding schemes, research objectives should follow a different logical progression from traditional schemes: Objective 1 should be ‘Doable’ and at least another objective ‘Dreamable’.

9 – Follow the 3 ‘Ds’ for crystal-clear research objectives

9 – Follow the 3 ‘Ds’ for crystal-clear researc...

Grant applications often get rejected because their research objectives don't follow the logical progression that funding panels and reviewers unconsciously expect: Objectives 1, 2, 3 should be ‘Done’, ‘Doable’, ‘Dreamable’.

9 – Follow the 3 ‘Ds’ for crystal-clear research objectives

Grant applications often get rejected because their research objectives don't follow the logical progression that funding panels and reviewers unconsciously expect: Objectives 1, 2, 3 should be ‘Done’, ‘Doable’, ‘Dreamable’.

7 – In grant applications, state your hypothesi...

Most researchers state a scientific aim that's too generic. Your aim should include your hypothesis, your readouts and your a priori, i.e. which direction you think the effect you study will...

7 – In grant applications, state your hypothesis and your a priori

Most researchers state a scientific aim that's too generic. Your aim should include your hypothesis, your readouts and your a priori, i.e. which direction you think the effect you study will...