Blog: boost your funding, publications, career


13 – Prepare a talk the easy way

13 – Prepare a talk the easy way

Has this ever happened to you? You're preparing a talk and after two hours it has ballooned out of proportion. A simple method avoids this and also works for reviews...

13 – Prepare a talk the easy way

Has this ever happened to you? You're preparing a talk and after two hours it has ballooned out of proportion. A simple method avoids this and also works for reviews...


2. Design a concise Introduction by following ‘...

A principle exposed by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov will be very useful for the introduction of your articles, proposals, and talks: everything in the introduction must serve a purpose. Let...

2. Design a concise Introduction by following ‘Chekhov’s gun’

A principle exposed by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov will be very useful for the introduction of your articles, proposals, and talks: everything in the introduction must serve a purpose. Let...